York Office
>>Map & Directions
1405 N Duke Street
P.O. Box 15627
York PA 17405-0156
Phone:(717) 845-1584
E-Mail Address: info@yatb.com

Gettysburg Office
>>Map & Directions
240 West St
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone (717) 334-4000
Fax (717) 337-2565
E-Mail Address: info@yatb.com
For Individual Taxpayers:
If you have a question concerning your Earned Income Tax, please call our Taxpayer Services Department at (717) 845-1584 or email info@yatb.com.
For Employers:
If you are an employer and have questions concerning Act 32 or Earned Income Tax, Local Services Tax or Mercantile/Business Privilege Tax, please call our Employer Services Department at 717-845-1584, option 2 or email us at employer@yatb.com
For Other Local Taxes:
If you are an individual inquiring about Delinquent Per Capita Tax, please call our Employer Services Department at 717-845-1584, option 2 or email employer@yatb.com. Adams County residents should call 717-334-4000.